With this lab, you will deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster in IBM® Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS). Learn how to automate the deployment, operation, scaling, and monitoring of containerized apps in a cluster.

In this tutorial, you act as a developper. You configure a custom Kubernetes cluster that is used to deploy and test a web application for managing todos. The front end is written in Angular and the reminders are being stored in a Cloudant NoSQL dababase. All run on Node.js, in Docker container managed by Kubernetes.


  • Create a cluster with 1 worker pool that has 1 worker node.
  • Install the CLIs for running Kubernetes commands and managing Docker images in IBM Cloud Container Registry.
  • Create a private image repository in IBM Cloud Container Registry to store your images.
  • Add the Cloudant NoSQL DB service to the cluster so that any app in the cluster can use that service.


  1. A developer clone an existing web application from Github.
  2. Run the application locally and produce a Docker container image.
  3. The image is pushed to a namespace in the Container Registry Service.
  4. The application is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.
  5. Users access the application.

Services used

This tutorial uses the following runtimes and services:

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